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  • HIV/STD/HCV Testing

  • Education

  • linkage to PrEP

  • Peer Navigation

PROMISE is an acronym for "Peers Reaching Out and Modeling Intervention Strategies". PROMISE for HIP is an effective community-level HIV/sexually transmitted disease (STD) prevention intervention that relies on role model stories and peer advocates to promote healthy behaviors and change social norms related to the HIV care continuum. PROMISE for HIP focuses on activities along the HIV care continuum. Community members generate the specific intervention content from their own experiences. Through their stories, they model strategies for goal behaviors related to HIV testing, PrEP, HIV status disclosure, linkage to care, retention in care, or adherence to ART for friends and community members. PROMISE for HIP then depends on peer advocates to distribute the stories within their communities and discuss them with peers. Role model story messages move through social networks and influence social norms, attitudes, and behaviors. 

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  • 100lb food and household item box each month

  • Transportation to appointments

  • Gas vouchers

  • Grocery store gift cards

  • Weekly check-ins by phone or text

B-CHIP2 (Birmingham Comprehensive High Impact Prevention) is an outreach program created to test and facilitate testing for Black MSM (Men who have Sex with Men). B-CHIP2 hosts numerous testing events as well as parties with the focus of providing HIV testing to Black MSM throughout Jefferson County and surrounding areas. 

B-CHIP2 also provides services for Black MSM living with HIV. An individual can be newly diagnosed or previously diagnosed to receive services through B-CHIP 2. We also provide short term case management. After an initial appointment, a client can continue to receive services from BAO by becoming a part of the TREAT program. 


d-up: Defend Yourself! (d-up!) is a community level HIV prevention intervention for Black men who have sex with men (MSM). d-up! is a cultural adaptation of the Popular Opinion Leader (POL) intervention and is designed to change social norms and perceptions of Black MSM regarding condom use. d-up! finds and enlists opinion leaders and influencers whose advice is respected and trusted by their peers. These opinion leaders are trained to help change risky sexual behaviors within their own social networks. 


Educator and Facilitator


Director of Education


Outreach Coordinator




Outreach Testing Coordinator

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Este sitio contiene mensajes de prevención del VIH que pueden no ser apropiados para todos los públicos. Dado que la infección por el VIH se transmite principalmente a través de prácticas sexuales o al compartir agujas, los mensajes y programas de prevención pueden abordar estos temas. Si no está buscando dicha información o puede sentirse ofendido por dichos materiales, salga de este sitio web.




205 32nd Street South, Birmingham, AL 35233

Horas de operación:

Lunes, martes, jueves 9: 00-6: 00PM

Miércoles 10: 00-6: 00PM

Viernes 9: 00-1: 00PM

Créditos fotográficos, Kenneth Smith Photography &

Edward Badham Visual Productions h o

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