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Mission –The Magic City Acceptance Academy facilitates a community in which all learners are empowered to embrace education, achieve individual success, and take ownership of their future in a brave, LGBTQ-affirming learning environment.

Vision - The Magic City Acceptance Academy (MCAA) will motivate and prepare students in grades six through twelve by providing an exceptional, innovative, and quality-driven education. MCAA’s purpose is to engage students who have dropped out, are not thriving in traditional schools, or are enrolled in home-school programs. Mentors and teachers will be incorporated throughout the diverse MCAA curriculum to empower students in directing their own education. MCAA will provide a brave learning environment and LGBTQ affirming culture for all.

To learn more about the Magic City Acceptance Academy, please visit

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Este sitio contiene mensajes de prevención del VIH que pueden no ser apropiados para todos los públicos. Dado que la infección por el VIH se transmite principalmente a través de prácticas sexuales o al compartir agujas, los mensajes y programas de prevención pueden abordar estos temas. Si no está buscando dicha información o puede sentirse ofendido por dichos materiales, salga de este sitio web.




205 32nd Street South, Birmingham, AL 35233

Horas de operación:

Lunes, martes, jueves 9: 00-6: 00PM

Miércoles 10: 00-6: 00PM

Viernes 9: 00-1: 00PM

Créditos fotográficos, Kenneth Smith Photography &

Edward Badham Visual Productions h o

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